Dinner Cruise

Charter 1 – 50 people

Dinner trips are among our most popular. You and your group board the Bonanza II in Fortescue and cruise across the Delaware Bay during the afternoon, arriving at either Sambos Tavern located in Lipsic DE or J.P.’s On the Warf in Bowers Beach DE to enjoy a fine dinner.  Once finished, you will re-board the Bonanza II, sit back, relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Delaware Bay at night on your way back to Fortescue.  This trip can be timed with the full moon so you can enjoy a moonlit trip across the bay.

Lighthouse Cruise

Charter 1 – 50 people

Lighthouse trips are also very popular.  Your group will cruise the Delaware Bay, approaching 5 lighthouses along the way.  At each one, a history of the lighthouse will be given along with enough time for some Kodak moments.  This trip can be timed with the sunset for your evening pleasure.
Other cruises that are available are the limit of your imagination.  There is plenty of room inside if you would like to set up food and beverages and we can also accommodate a DJ.  If you come up with a situation like a birthday, graduation, bachelor/bacheloret party, or just want to try something different, give us a call and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

Delaware Bay Fishing Open Boat

7:30am – 3:00 pm

During the day we are an open boat.  This meaning a person or group of people can come down, pick out a spot on the boat and enjoy a day of fishing on the Delaware Bay.  We advise coming early so there is plenty of time for you to pick your choice spot on the boat, purchase any additional bait or supplies if needed, and even grab a bite to eat.  Rental rods are available for your use. There are many different types of fish that are caught.  Some of the targeted species, when in season, are flounder, weakfish, croaker, and blue fish and on occasion, king fish, porgy, spadefish, touge, blowfish and spot. 

Evening Charter Fishing

4:00pm – 11:00pm

The evening trips are all charters, meaning a group pays to have the whole boat to themselves.  The price is varied based on the amount of people.  On the evening trips, we will start off the same as during the day, drifting for various species, and then when night falls, we anchor the boat and turn on the bright lights to attract the bait fish.  This in turn attracts the bigger fish. 

Spring & Fall Striper Trips

These trips can be done two different ways.  First is an open boat where you come by yourself or with friends or family, pick a spot on the boat, and enjoy a day fishing.  The second is to charter the boat so your group has the boat all to themselves.  At this time of year, anglers should pay close attention to the weather and dress accordingly (you can always take it off but if you can’t put it on if you don’t have it with you).  The Bonanza II is in possession of tags for trophy fish is you require one.

Spring Drum Trips

This type of fishing has made a healthy come back over the last few years and it continues to get better.  Drum fish will normally range between 20lbs and 90lbs in size and your equipment should be capable of handling this size fish.  This trip is done in the evenings by charter only during the month of May.  We leave the dock at 4:00pm and return approximately 11:00pm.

Old Grounds

The Bonanza II is running monthly trips to the Old Grounds and other reef sites off shore.  This is a 12-hour trip leaving the dock at 4:30am and returning at 4:30pm.  On these trips, large flounder and sea bass are the targeted species, but it is not uncommon to catch cobia or other ocean fish also.  You will be fishing in 70 –90 feet of water, using 6 – 16 ounces of weight so your equipment should be adequate to handle this.  Old Ground trips can be done either by making a reservation on an open boat trip or by charter.